Parliamo Italiano!

Parliamo Italiano!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Practice your second language abroad with native speakers.

You can also participate in a language-exchange arrangement abroad, organized directly between families. This is done between two families, each offering the hospitality of their homes reciprocally.
If you’re a college or a high school student and would want to use your summer vacation to learn a language by doing an exchange-trip with a member from another country, at LANGUAGE FOR EXCHANGE you’ll discover that it can be done much easier than you thought.
All you have to do is find a member who would like to do an exchange with you and you can travel to the home of that language-exchange friend.
Later, you will have the chance to host your exchange-friend in your home and treat them as well as you have been treated in their country.
LANGUAGE FOR EXCHANGE is also based on the principle that this language exchange abroad be free of charge, within the terms agreed on for the exchange. You do not have to pay any money to stay in your chosen exchange-friend’s house nor do you receive money when they stay in your house.

Learning a Second Language Abroad

How To Learn A Second Language Abroad
If you have decided to intern abroad in order to improve your second language, congratulations! Finding an opportunity in a country that speaks your second language is a necessary step to ultimately become fluent. However, the work isn’t over! If you really want to become fluent in another language, it will take more than just going to another country. Below, I have listed some tips to help you learn your second language while interning abroad.

1.Take advantage of language-learning exchanges.
Many big cities have weekly events focused on language exchange! These events often last a couple of hours and allow time to mingle and switch between your native language (to help others who are trying to learn it) and your target language (to allow you to practice with native speakers). English-Spanish language exchanges seem to be especially common, but it’s worth looking to see what’s available for whatever language you hope to practice!

2.Be intentional about learning something new everyday.
To ensure that you learn something new everyday, you must be active, not passive, in your learning. For example:
-If you are speaking with someone in your second language and don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to tell them that you don’t understand or to ask them to repeat it.
-Ask your local friends to correct you when you make mistakes in conversation.
-One of my friends on my study abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina, used to carry a small notebook around the city with her to jot down words and phrases that she heard and wanted to look up later. I regret not doing this! Taking notes like this is especially useful if you want to learn local slang or to get a better understanding of popular topics of conversation.
Be intentional about your language learning, rather than just expecting it to happen naturally. You will come out of your abroad experience significantly more advanced in your second language!

3.Go beyond bar or club conversations.
Certainly, going out to the bars or clubs gives you lots of chances to practice your second language with new acquaintances. However, make sure that this isn’t your primary means of practicing your target language. Bar/club conversations tend to cover the exact same topics every time (where you’re from, what you’re doing abroad, what you think of the city, etc.), so be sure to also seek out relationships that go deeper. Make plans to hang out with a new acquaintance-- for example, going to the park or cooking dinner together-- and you’ll get better language practice and also develop a friendship!

4.Seek out a community.
What do you like to do in your spare time at home? Now, look for that hobby in your new city, and it is likely that you will find it-- plus a group of people with whom to enjoy it! Whether you decide to join an ultimate Frisbee team, a poetry group, a gym, or a church, finding a local community centered around what you like to do will enable you to practice your second language in a comfortable, fun environment and to make friends who have similar interests.

Whether you plan to do an internship in Madrid, Colombia, or Hong Kong (as an English speaker), or London or Australia as an English language learner, these tips will serve well for growing your language abilities. If you have friends who have previously learned languages abroad, I would recommend asking them for tips as well, as there are thousands of language-learning methods to try! Apply now for one of our award winning international internship programs to develop and perfect your language skills!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Parliamo Italiano! Learn Italian Online or at your Home.

Parliamo Italiano!


Parliamo Italiano introduces, enhances and incorporates the beauty, history and charm of Italian culture into your community. Parliamo Italiano is a gathering place that educates, serves and inspires individuals who are seeking to enjoy or learn more about the culture and heritage of Italian people.

Welcome to Parliamo Italiano! This web site is your internet door to what our company is offering you as it creates a new cultural environment in our community.

Parliamo Italiano arranges Italian lessons in Houston and McAllen for corporate and private individuals on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.

Our Italian tutors teach at some of the world's largest companies as well as in hundreds of homes across Houston and McAllen to students learning Italian for pleasure or looking to gain a qualification.

Our team of professional Italian tutors are all native and qualified and will get you speaking Italian quickly and in a friendly environment.

Parliamo Italiano offers events and activities that are important to Houston and McAllen diverse population. It is a gathering place and learning space where programs, services, events and activities focus on the positive spirit of Italian Culture. The hope and vision of Parliamo Italiano is to provide and preserve Italian culture and heritage not only for today, but for generations to come.

Whether you are of Italian ancestry yourself or are a "citizen of the world" interested in learning more about this dynamic country and its people, Parliamo Italiano has something to offer you. 

Italian Language Lessons (Online & Face-to-Face)

Italian classes for all levels from beginner to advanced. Whether you're learning Italian for travelling, work or just for fun, an Italian course at Parliamo Italiano will help you achieve the level of Italian you need.

Choose to study in small group classes in the evening or on weekends or, for more flexibility, a one-to-one class gives you access to your own personal tutor. For companies and business Italian learners we deliver bespoke training in your company offices.

Experienced Italian teachers
Our teachers are highly experienced, qualified native-level speakers who give engaging, dynamic lessons.
They have access to an unparalleled library of resources and receive on-going support and input from our world-class academic team.

Practical, communicative learning
Teachers speak Italian and get you using the language from the very start of your course through role play, games and problem-solving activities.
You also work on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, enabling you to use Italian independently in a wide range of situations.

Personalized Italian courses
Teachers don’t use generic, mass market course books. They use their experience and knowledge to create personalized courses which specifically address the needs and level of their classes.

One to one Skype lessons
with an experienced teacher are a great solution to learning a language and saving time. Through a live conversation you can have a full immersion language experience at your home or at your work place with an Italian teacher.

Where We Teach.

Private Italian tuition can be arranged anywhere in Houston or McAllen and possibly further afield.

We have a comprehensive network of qualified tutors ready to travel to your home, office or other suitable location during the day, evening or at the weekend.

Our flexible approach means that you can have Italian lessons at a time of your choosing and at a pace you want wherever you live in Houston or McAllen.

Our flexibility is the key to our success.

Our prices include travel and basic materials.

Take a look at  the various options you have to learn Italian with us. 

Levels of Italian.

We arrange Italian tuition for hundreds of students of all levels throughout the whole of Houston and McAllen.

Private tuition is highly flexible so lessons can be tailored to exactly what the student requires whether they want to learn Italian for business or pleasure.

Before taking any course with Parliamo Italiano we can gauge your level to ensure that you get the most from your Italian tuition.

Parliamo Italiano has developed a Language Framework which is used to gauge proficiency:

Basic user: Students can communicate and understand basic everyday situations. E.g. giving and asking for personal information, ordering a meal etc. They can express themselves in the present, past and future.

Independent user: Students are able to express themselves accurately and fluently. They can understand and interact in complex conversations.

Proficient user: Students are able to communicate spontaneously using a variety of idioms and colloquial expressions in a natural way. They understand nearly everything they read or hear.

Monterrey, NL. Meetup Groups at "Portal del Norte".



Monterrey Meetup Groups at "Portal del Norte"

Benvenuti al gruppo meetup Italiano!
Se cercate altri che parlano Italiano, avete interesse nella lingua, cultura e tutto quello che e' inerente all'Italia, non avete piu' bisogno di cercare (altrove) - inscrivetevi al nostro gruppo. Non vediamo l'ora di incontrarvi.

Welcome to the Italian meetup group!
If you are looking for others who speak Italian, interested in the language, culture and all things Italian, you don't need to look any further - join our group. We look forward to meeting you.

Bienvenidos a nuestros grupos!Pasemosla bien juntos. Reunirse para disfrutar de una película en el cine, salir a cenar, caminar por la ciudad, correr o hacer un tour por algún barrio. Esa es la propuesta de esta gran comunidad –de la red a la vida real- que reúne personas de todo el mundo con el sencillo objetivo de hacer amigos y compartir un buen rato.

Pensado para trabajadores, empresarios, start-ups, parados, amas de casa, estudiantes y cualquiera que quiera aprender, pasar un rato divertido o incluso establecer nuevos contactos profesionales.

En este grupo organizamos diferentes y variadas Actividades, desde clases e intercambio de idiomas hasta teatro y baile o conferencias y jornadas Networking, con un único OBJETIVO, CREAR UNA COMUNIDAD DONDE COMPARTIR, RELAJARSE Y DIVERTIRSE. Los miembros de este grupo con intereses dispares comparten las mismas actividades con distintas finalidades.

Este grupo es abierto a todo el que quiera asistir, compartir o sugerir meetups; no hacemos preguntas ni pedimos que muestres tu imagen, cada uno es dueño de su imagen y sus datos personales así que si no te quieres mostrar a todo el mundo nosotros no te lo vamos a exigir. Personas y organizaciones o empresas sois bienvenidos.

The Monterrey Meetup Group organiza sus propios meetups y ejerce de sponsor en colaboración con meetups co-organizados con miembros del grupo.

Nuestro grupo no tiene interés lucrativo, no cobramos nada por organizar o sugerir meetups. Las actividades que incluyan un coste por participación son comercializadas por las personas que dirigen la actividad.

Meetups sugeridos por miembros o invitados a unirse al grupo también son bienvenidos siempre que no sean similares a otros o coincidan en fecha y hora de otros meetups ya publicados.


Join one of our Groups! - Únete a nuestros Grupos!

Want to speak the Italian Language with other "appassionati" della Bella Lingua?  Make new friends and network with native and non-native Italian speakers?

You've come to the right Meetup. The Monterrey Italian Language Meetup group offers you that opportunity. We schedule a variety of events in Monterrey that provide our "soci" with the opportunity to speak Italian at an intermediate or higher level, meet other Italians and Italian culture lovers and participate in Italian cultural, recreational and language events throughout Monterrey, NL.

Here's a selection of events we've held in the past:

"Porta Da Mangiare e Bere" feste (pot-luck buffets)
"Pizze Fatte Da Noi" feste (homemade pizza)
"Cena e Cinema" (dinner & a movie)
Ora Felice dopo Lavoro (Happy Hour after work)
La Grigliata a Crissy Field in San Francisco (BBQs)
"Mangiamo Insieme" (fixed price Italian restaurant dining)
Italian Film Festivals
Wine Tastings

Learn to make the classic dessert tiramisu and the lemon-flavored liqueur limoncello yourself!
Learn to speak Italian while Learning to Cook Italian Food!

We invite you to join the Monterrey Italian Language Meetup and look forward to meeting you at one of our events.

*Please note that in order to maintain some kind of reliability with the group, members with 3 "no shows" to events will automatically be removed form the group out of respect for the organizers and other members.

Group Rules

Our mission is to promote an appreciation of Italian language and culture through social engagement. We help people with a strong interest in Italy connect with one another, both online and in person. Membership is FREE and we're open to all levels of Italian language from zero to native fluency.

It doesn't cost any money to be a member! Many of the events cost money (food, drinks, admission, etc.) which is why you can pick and choose which ones you attend. Some of our events are spendy, and some are free! Keep in mind that the organizers do have to pay dues to run this group. If you have a good time and can donate a buck or two, please do. It goes a long way to help cover the costs of running the meetup group.

Meetup Group Rules:
1. Events are only open to registered members who RSVP for that event.
2. Members must be at least 18 years of age for our events, 21+ for bar events.
3. Members are responsible to find and check in with us as soon as they arrive.
4. Members who cannot make it must cancel RSVP 24 hours BEFORE an event, allowing members on WAITING LIST to be added.
5. Members who RSVP but do not show up 3 times will be removed from the group.
6. Members who just show up that are not on RSVP list will be removed from the group, WAITING LIST does not count.
7. No business promoting or dating group behavior will be tolerated.
- We REMOVE members that break our rules, are rude, aggressive or socially inappropriate towards our members.

-Somos un grupo creciente de hombres y mujeres de varias edades que buscan asistir a eventos culturales, sociales, deportivos y artísticos, así como discutir temas de actualidad, con la finalidad de conocer gente nueva, ampliar nuestro círculo social y hacer nuevos amigos. No importa si eres soltero, casado, tu edad, género, religión, ideas políticas ni ningún otro aspecto de tu persona, ya que buscamos dialogar, compartir experiencias y reflexiones sobre diversos temas, así como también establecer vínculos de amistad, relaciones de pareja o algún otro interés humano que pueda generarse entre nosotros!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Parliamo Italiano! Learn Italian Online or at your Home.

Parliamo Italiano! Learn Italian Online or at your Home.


Parliamo Italiano introduces, enhances and incorporates the beauty, history and charm of Italian culture into your community. Parliamo Italiano is a gathering place that educates, serves and inspires individuals who are seeking to enjoy or learn more about the culture and heritage of Italian people.

Welcome to Parliamo Italiano! This web site is your internet door to what our company is offering you as it creates a new cultural environment in our community.

Parliamo Italiano arranges Italian lessons in Houston and McAllen for corporate and private individuals on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.

Our Italian tutors teach at some of the world's largest companies as well as in hundreds of homes across Houston and McAllen to students learning Italian for pleasure or looking to gain a qualification.

Our team of professional Italian tutors are all native and qualified and will get you speaking Italian quickly and in a friendly environment.

Parliamo Italiano offers events and activities that are important to Houston and McAllen diverse population. It is a gathering place and learning space where programs, services, events and activities focus on the positive spirit of Italian Culture. The hope and vision of Parliamo Italiano is to provide and preserve Italian culture and heritage not only for today, but for generations to come.

Whether you are of Italian ancestry yourself or are a "citizen of the world" interested in learning more about this dynamic country and its people, Parliamo Italiano has something to offer you. 

Italian Language Lessons (Online & Face-to-Face)

Italian classes for all levels from beginner to advanced. Whether you're learning Italian for travelling, work or just for fun, an Italian course at Parliamo Italiano will help you achieve the level of Italian you need.

Choose to study in small group classes in the evening or on weekends or, for more flexibility, a one-to-one class gives you access to your own personal tutor. For companies and business Italian learners we deliver bespoke training in your company offices.

Experienced Italian teachers
Our teachers are highly experienced, qualified native-level speakers who give engaging, dynamic lessons.
They have access to an unparalleled library of resources and receive on-going support and input from our world-class academic team.

Practical, communicative learning
Teachers speak Italian and get you using the language from the very start of your course through role play, games and problem-solving activities.
You also work on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, enabling you to use Italian independently in a wide range of situations.

Personalized Italian courses
Teachers don’t use generic, mass market course books. They use their experience and knowledge to create personalized courses which specifically address the needs and level of their classes.

One to one Skype lessons
with an experienced teacher are a great solution to learning a language and saving time. Through a live conversation you can have a full immersion language experience at your home or at your work place with an Italian teacher.

Where We Teach.

Private Italian tuition can be arranged anywhere in Houston or McAllen and possibly further afield.

We have a comprehensive network of qualified tutors ready to travel to your home, office or other suitable location during the day, evening or at the weekend.

Our flexible approach means that you can have Italian lessons at a time of your choosing and at a pace you want wherever you live in Houston or McAllen.

Our flexibility is the key to our success.

Our prices include travel and basic materials.

Take a look at  the various options you have to learn Italian with us. 

Levels of Italian.

We arrange Italian tuition for hundreds of students of all levels throughout the whole of Houston and McAllen.

Private tuition is highly flexible so lessons can be tailored to exactly what the student requires whether they want to learn Italian for business or pleasure.

Before taking any course with Parliamo Italiano we can gauge your level to ensure that you get the most from your Italian tuition.

Parliamo Italiano has developed a Language Framework which is used to gauge proficiency:

Basic user: Students can communicate and understand basic everyday situations. E.g. giving and asking for personal information, ordering a meal etc. They can express themselves in the present, past and future.

Independent user: Students are able to express themselves accurately and fluently. They can understand and interact in complex conversations.

Proficient user: Students are able to communicate spontaneously using a variety of idioms and colloquial expressions in a natural way. They understand nearly everything they read or hear.

Italian Language Classes

Italian Language Classes.

Professional, effective and friendly private and corporate language tuition. 

Parliamo Italiano is a tuition company and arranges Italian lessons in Houston, McAllen and surrounding areas, for corporate and private individuals on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.

Parliamo Italiano also offers its clients online language courses by Skype, which provide the following advantages: flexible timetables, accessible from any location, practical use of an essential professional communication tool.

Our Italian tutors teach at some of the world's largest companies as well as in hundreds of homes across Houston and McAllen to students learning Italian for pleasure or looking to gain a qualification.

Our team of professional Italian tutors are all native and qualified and will get you speaking Italian quickly and in a friendly environment.

Our Italian Lessons.
We arrange Italian lessons in Houston and McAllen to all types of students from small children to large corporations. Our qualified Italian tutors can teach you at your home, office or other suitable location wherever you are in Houston, McAllen or surrounding area and possibly further afield.

Private Italian tuition can be arranged for students learning on their own or for groups of colleagues or friends. Students can do as many lessons as needed per week and tuition can take place from early morning to the evening.

Our tutors use a variety of materials depending on students' levels and also why they want to learn Italian.

Browse through some of the options for Italian lessons below to see which one would best suit you.

One-to-One Italian Lessons.
One-to-one tuition is the quickest and most flexible way to learn a language.

When you embark on a course of one-to-one Italian lessons your tutor can tailor the tuition to meet your needs, whether you are learning Italian for business, leisure or academic reasons.

One-to-one lessons offer the student the maximum amount of flexibility and choice. We'll discuss with you your aims and reasons for wanting to learn Italian. We can then arrange for a qualified tutor to teach you at your home or office at a time of your choosing.

Tutors are available throughout the day, during the evening and also at weekends.

The standard lesson length is 1.5 hours although longer lessons can be arranged. We understand that due to time constraints a shorter lesson may be required so students are also able to have 1.0 hour sessions.

Depending how quickly you want to learn the language, students can take as many lessons per week as required and we can also arrange for intensive tuition.

Two-to-One Italian Lessons.
Similar to one-to-one lessons, but you learn Italian with a friend or partner, with the bonus that it will work out cheaper than learning on your own!

It is a great way to learn as you'll be able to practice your Italian together and encourage each other to do your homework!

Whether you are learning Italian for business, leisure or academic reasons, your tutor can tailor your lessons to meet your needs.

We'll discuss with you your aims and reasons for wanting to learn Italian. We can then arrange for a qualified tutor to teach you at your home or office at a time of your choosing.

Tutors are available throughout the day, during the evening and also at weekends.

The standard two-to-one Italian lesson is 1.5 hours but lessons of 2.0 hours or longer can be arranged.

Depending how quickly you want to learn the language, students can take as many lessons per week as required and we can also arrange for intensive tuition.

Italian Lessons with Friends or Colleagues.
Taking lessons with friends or colleagues is a fun and cost effective way to learn Italian. 

Our Small Group language classes are much more effective than larger classes of 10 students or more, common at other Italian Language schools. Great for families or friends who want to study together. If the students create their own group, they can choose study dates/times convenient to them.

Group lessons are perfect for families, friends or work colleagues who are looking to learn Italian.

We'll discuss with you your aims and reasons for wanting to learn Italian. We can then arrange for a qualified tutor to teach your group at a time of your choosing.

Tutors are available throughout the day, during the evening and also at weekends.

The standard group Italian lesson is 1.5 hours but lessons of longer duration can be arranged.

So why not still take advantage of our cheap group rates by finding some friends or colleagues and starting your own group!

Intensive Italian Tuition.
Travelling to Italy in a few weeks for business or pleasure and need a crash course to get by?

Maybe your moving to Italy in a month or two and need to gain a level of proficiency in Italian. Or you might find yourself with some extra time on your hands and feel like putting it to use learning or advancing your language skills.

Whatever the reason we can arrange private tuition with a qualified native tutor at a time and frequency you want at your office or home. Intensive lessons could be classed as doing anything from one hour per day for a week, right up to studying several hours a day for a period of time.

Learning intensively immerses you in the language and students make rapid progress in a short space of time.

Prices depend on the intensity of tuition. Get in touch for more details.

Italian Classes for Children.
Our tutors teach Italian to children of all ages throughout Houston and McAllen.

Children learn new languages quickly and getting them started early is one of the best gifts you'll ever give them.

We can arrange for one of our qualified Italian tutors to teach your children at your home either individually or in a group with friends which makes the lesson even more fun and interactive.

Our qualified Italian tutors will use a range of materials including games and music to make the learning experience as enjoyable as possible.

Italian in schools -- why not speak to your child's school regarding setting up a Italian after-school club for children. We can arrange for one of our tutors to teach the group at a very reasonable cost.

Corporate Classes

Italian Business Language Training.

We can arrange bespoke Italian tuition designed to target the specific needs of your business. A tailored approach means your tutor will work closely with you and your company and implement a course to meet your requirements.

Before embarking on tuition your language background will be assessed and specific goals which need to be achieved will be detailed. We'll then draw up an action plan and advise on the intensity and duration of lessons.

Our trainers are the key to our success and ensure that students get the most from their learning experience. All are native and qualified and have significant experience teaching all levels of Italian. Tutors are not just selected for their teaching skills but also for their professionalism, flexibility and efficiency.

Tutors will be as flexible as possible to work around your schedule. Training can be arranged from early morning through to the evening and tutors will do our best to accommodate changing schedules from week-to-week.

Conducting business overseas is not just about speaking the language but also knowing what is expected and what to expect. Cultural awareness is as vital in the business world as knowing the language and our tutors are well placed to guide you through the cultural maze.

Our Philosophy 

Communication for the real world: From the very first day, our aim is for students to start expressing themselves in modern useful Italian. The focus is on providing students with the tools to enable them to communicate effectively in practical, everday situations, with tasks and activites carried out within a meaningful context. The four key skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing are all catered for, although emphasis for most students is placed on speaking and listening.

Learner centred: A learner centred approach means tutors adapt lessons to your way of learning making the whole experience more personal, rewarding and efficient. We rely on our team of qualified and experienced native tutors to support you throughout your period of tuition and help you to reach your full potential.

Practise makes perfect: Time with the tutor is used to the maximum benefit and focuses on practising oral and listening skills and introducing new structures. Written work is generally carried out at home and will help consolidate what's been covered in the session with the tutor.

Our most important asset -- our tutors: We pride ourselves in collaborating with capable and professional tutors. We all have the means to learn a language, we just have to find the best way to learn. Your tutor will get you speaking Italian from the very first day and tailor tuition to meet your needs.

Flexibility: Before allocating your tutor, we'll first assess your needs and what you want to achieve and discuss the best way to go about it. Throughout the course students are free to suggest new methods more appropriate for their needs or likes. Our tutors are all encouraged to be flexible, open-minded and see students as individuals.

The material used in the lessons will be, when possible, from real sources, such as newspapers, magazines or the Internet. This is especially vital in conversation classes.

When learning or improving a language it is important to be aware of a little history, culture and current affairs of the country where it is spoken. Students will be able to suggest any subject of discussion, books, films, etc. that might be of interest. All new ideas are welcome.

So if the Not-Just-One-Method method appeals then Parliamo Italiano was made for you.    

Italian Language Conversation - Online or at your Home

Italian Language Conversation (Face-to-Face & Online)

Private one-on-one Italian Tutoring.
Our Conversation Online will help you:
» Increase your Italian speaking and listening skills
» Improve your Italian pronunciation
» Enhance your career opportunities
» Gain more confidence when speaking in Italian

Studies show that private mentoring and classes can increase your learning skills by up to 75%!

In addition by taking Italian classes online, you can learn in the location where you are most comfortable.

Italian Conversation Online.

Our mission is to help people and students improve their language conversation skills through our unique schedule-friendly system. You will quickly learn Italian through customized one-on-one lessons, and live conversations.

Our teachers are all qualified and experienced language teachers and mentors whose first language is Italian.
They all have extensive experience teaching Italian as a second language in their country and around the world. 

Our online Italian courses challenge students in a safe and positive environment. Our lesson plans are designed to be fun, challenging, and informative. One of the biggest benefits of learning a foreign language online is that you can speak with your instructor from the comfort of your own home or office in real time.

So get started!!!

Who is it for?

For anyone who has a level of fluency in Italian (intermediate or advanced) who wishes to practice their verbal expression, improve their comprehension skills in a structured class. You will be gently corrected while speaking in order to gain better oral fluency. Every online session lasts 45 minutes.
The standard Face-to-Face lesson is 1.5 hours.

How Does It Work?
After evaluating your current level of Italian and your objectives with an adviser, a teacher will arrange with you a 30-minutes Language Session at a day and time most convenient for you.

The session will take place via Internet with Skype. Before some of the sessions, the teacher may instructional material to you such as an article, a picture, a story or a role play to perform which will be used as a conversation topic during the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you will schedule your next lesson date directly with your teacher.
After the lesson, the teacher will send the notes that were taken during class time in a Word file for you to review.

Conversation Topics.

Conversation TopicsIn order to improve your language skills, your conversation with language partners should be as diverse as possible. This way you can acquire a broad vocabulary and learn all the different sentence structures in a language. Below you can find some suggestions for conversation topics that would guide you to achieve this.

Getting acquainted

After the initial introductions, ask your conversation partner why they are learning your native language, for how long and how they have been learning it, how often and in what situations they speak it and to describe their first speaking encounter with a native speaker. Ask them in which area of the city they live and if they like it. Now that you have broken the ice, you can both talk about what you do and how you enjoy your spare time.

An interesting aspect of getting to know somebody from another country, it's to learn about their culture. One way to do this is to compare the differences between the two countries, such as pace of life, type of jobs, quality of life, cuisine, drinking habits, how people spend their spare time, ethnic makeup, social structure, climate, topography, educational system, ... If you are talking to a foreigner, you can ask them how their lifestyle is changing as a result of the new environment and how they feel about it.

Keen language learners are often also keen travelers. Ask your conversation partner if they like traveling, what are the most interesting places they have been to, what they think are the best holiday destinations, what are their country's most popular tourist attractions, if they prefer traveling on their own or taking a package tour, what they miss most when they are away from home, if they are planning to travel shortly. Ask them if they have ever met anyone interesting while on a journey or if they have ever come across any unusual food or drink.

Hypothetical Situations

One way to practice grammar is to talk about hypothetical situations. While this is not a topic in itself, you can always ask hypothetical questions in most topics of conversation. Not only would this spice up your conversation, but it would also be a good way to practice some difficult verb tenses. Take, for example, the topics above. If you and your language partner are talking about your jobs, you can ask: "If you had the choice of doing any job, what would it be?" If you are talking about your language partner country's economical and political problems, you can ask: "If you were the president, what would you do first?" If the topic of conversation is travelling, you can ask: "If you had to choose a country to live in for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?" The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!

MusicThis is without a doubt a much loved topic and you should make the most of it. Ask your conversation partner what their favorite group / singer / radio station / type of music are. Ask them when and how often they listen to music, if they often go to live concerts, if certain music brings memories to their mind, if there is any kind of music they can't stand, if they play any musical instruments, if they can sing, if they have ever sung karaoke, if they know the lyrics of a song in their practicing language. If you are talking to a foreigner you can ask who the most popular singers in their country are and if they can now listen to them on the radio.

Expressing your opinion

One way to get a good command of a language is being able to express your opinion about any topic. As with hypothetical questions, expressing your opinion will enrich and enliven the conversation, however do not be a know-it-all, but respect the opinion of your conversation partner and try to keep an open mind if you disagree with them. You can ask an opinion on nearly everything. Take, for example, music. You can ask your conversation partner how their opinion of good music has changed over their lifetime, if they consider CDs to be expensive or what they think about downloading free MP3s from the internet. Be extra careful when talking about religion and politics, as people tend to get quite passionate about them.

Have you ever ...?
Another way to start an interesting topic, is to ask the "Have you ever ...?" question. Here are some examples:
* Have you ever been on TV?
* Have you ever sung in public?
* Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
* Have you ever eaten frogs' legs?
* Have you ever received a present that you really hated?
* Have you ever walked into a lamppost?
* Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
* Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
* Have you done volunteer work?
* Have you ever free-climbed a tree?
* Have you ever had a close relative who lived to over 100?
* Have you ever ridden a horse?
* Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
* Have you ever seen a car accident?
* Have you ever been mugged?
* Have you ever driven a sports car?
* Have you ever broken a bone?
* Have you ever cheated on an exam?
* Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
* Have you ever met a celebrity?
* Have you ever slept in a tent?

Other topics
Ordering food, describing a person, shopping, clothes and fashion, money, celebrities, gossip, food & eating, meeting people, sports, marriage, children, education, books, computers, science and technology, annoying things. 

Italian Language Classes Online

Learn Italian Easily!

Language schools have a wide range of Italian courses and programs; unfortunately, there are many people, who cannot travel to an Italian-speaking country in order to improve their Italian language skills. However, internet has solved this problem, because there is a large list of Italian language schools that offer Italian courses online and more and more students decide to follow them; these courses have several resources to make one’s learning experience the best.

Distance learning has become very popular among students; these courses include language programs such as Italian, Spanish, English, French and many other courses. If one chooses an Italian online course, one will have the control under one’s learning pace. These courses allow students to learn Italian language at any time and wherever they are, while they have an internet connection.

Many students prefer Italian courses online, because they can learn Italian language while they’re working or studying. Online courses allow people to continue with their normal activities. Learning Italian by internet is very fun.

Italian courses online, as one sees, are the perfect solution for all language students who cannot visit Italy or another Italian-speaking country. These courses will help one to learn Italian in a fun way and ones’ own pace.
Now, you are ready to start learning Italian by Internet.

Reasons to study Italian Online.

If you want to study Italian language, you can choose between traditional courses and courses online. In this page we will show some of the best reasons to choose a course online.
* A course online is cheaper than a traditional course.
* There are many jobs and careers that demand a good working knowledge of the Internet, so if you complete a course online, you will have more opportunities to fill  it.
* All that is necessary is proper access to a standard personal computer with internet connectivity.
* Online classes, by contrast, can be engineered to support students with intellectual and physical disabilities.
* If you do not understand some topic, you can repeat this topic again and again.
* Classes can be taken whenever you have time.
* The Internet makes it possible the communication between students and teachers without long commutes.

Difference between Italian Online and Italian Abroad?
Both methods provide you flexibility for where and when you study. However, studying online is totally interactive with immediate correction of the exercises. Studying online offers you additional opportunities for interaction with email, discussion boards and chat rooms. enabling you to communicate with your personal tutor and there by exchanging the learning experience.

Advantages of studying foreign languages by Skype.

Individual approach
Parliamo Italiano will help to find the best suitable tutor for your needs. So you can study a language in an informal and easy atmosphere. There is no doubt if you are just a beginner you will require a private tutor which speaks your language.

Free schedule
Learning foreign languages by Skype at Parliamo Italiano, you have a possibility to order the lessons at any convenient time for you. Simply speaking you have flexible hours for learning. You can order regular lessons and pay for them or learn with different frequency. By the way, you will pay only for the lessons. You have already got! After the free lesson you can order any number of lessons, beginning with one.

Professional personal tutors
We guarantee that all our teachers at Parliamo Italiano have the highest pedagogical education! The learning of language is based on informal speech. This way of learning contributes quickly to cultural exchange between you and your private tutor and provides you with native speaker experience. It enables you to study quickly and achieve better results. We have free trial lesson available, and you can sign up for it by filling the form on our website. 

Italian Classes Online.

Learn Italian online! You can have your lesson online with a teacher via Skype. With your Italian mother tongue teacher you can study, learn and improve your level of Italian.
You just need a Skype account, book your lesson, make the payment and connect with your teacher at the scheduled time and .....have a good lesson!

To make a free trial lesson or to ask for further information write to: 

Your Class!
Here’s how you can start studying Italian online with Parliamo Italiano:
Book a lesson 
Make a payment

You will receive a confirmation e-mail.
3 minutes before your lesson is scheduled to begin, click on your teacher’s Skype button.
During your lesson, you can speak, write, read and work on assignments with your teacher.
At the end of your lesson, your teacher will assign you homework that you will go over together at your next lesson.
Afterwards, you can always e-mail to your teacher to ask questions or get more information.
Start now to speak or improve your Italian!
To make a free trial lesson or to ask for further information write to: Parliamo Italiano

Your lesson will be just like as if you were in a classroom but from the comfort of your home and online! You can see and talk to your teacher in real time using a microphone and webcam. The lesson is one part grammar, one part conversation and your teacher will give you assignments that you can go over together.
With our lessons, you will learn to understand, speak, write and read in Italian. You will also learn typical expressions and become familiar with different regional accents.

You can also use the materials available on our site to improve your level and increase your vocabulary. For example, choose from our selection of videos on Italian culture (politics, history, society, current events, cuisine, music, cinema, etc).

Use the calendar to select the date and time of your next lesson. Learn where you want and when you want with a teacher who will help you along the way and monitor your progress.

Our Italian Teachers

Our tutors are our greatest asset and we are proud to collaborate with a team of highly professional and efficient individuals. To be able to teach for Parliamo Italiano, all candidates undergo a rigorous selection procedure.

All our teachers are native Italian speakers. Being a native speaker doesn't make you a language teacher so we make sure that all our Italian tutors have been instructed with the latest techniques in Italian language training.

They are all qualified language trainers, degree educated and have significant teaching experience. Many of our tutors have dedicated their professional life to teaching while others have found their vocation while living in a foreign country. Their academic backgrounds are varied and interesting and may include an MA in Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language or degrees in Psychology, Drama, Law, Business Studies, Translation, Art or Journalism for example.

All have something in common: they love teaching their mother tongue and have been instructed to do so using modern teaching techniques in a friendly, efficient and fun way. Unlike many other organizations we keep in constant touch with our teaching force to ensure they are providing our clients with the best service.

We hold monthly meetings for all our tutors to discuss and exchange new ideas and improve their teaching.
We also provide our teachers with materials to ensure they are using the latest textbooks and methodology available.

Most importantly, apart from the key part academic background plays in the selection process, we make sure by having a long and personal interview with each one of them, that we also choose the most likable, personable and professional teachers in Houston and McAllen. We are very happy to work with them and our students benefit from learning in a friendly and professional environment.

The Teachers:

I am an Italian mother tongue, experienced and qualified teacher. My name is Ermanno and I come from Genova, in Liguria. I have been living in United States for the last 25 years. I live in McAllen (Texas). I spend half of my time in McAllen, the other half in Houston.

Teaching is the career that gives me most enjoyment and reward, and the feedback I receive on a regular basis (from students and colleagues) tells me that my enthusiasm for teaching Italian is passed on to my students.

I enjoy teaching, maybe because it is one of those job...s that can be really rewarding. Teaching and learning are both a very intimate experience. As learners we expose to others our legitimate will to succeed, to grow, to live and our fear to fail; as teachers we need to put ourselves to test, to see if we are able to share our knowledge, if we are able to reach out people and we know that the learners are often able to assess our teaching skills, as much as we have a clear idea of their knowledge of the subject.

I think that once a good relationship between teacher and student has been established, one can achieve a lot. I believe in commitment, but even more in a true passion for the subject. I consider mistakes a blessing to better spot the learner's problem area and devise a teaching method that may suit the learner best. I use to prepare lessons in advance but I am flexible to switch to any issue the learner may come up with I aim at giving any student, at any level the chance of making the most of his vocabulary and grasp of the language, even beginners could benefit from a cycle of lessons just to travel to Italy, exchange pleasantries with the locals, be able to read signs in public places, order a meal in a restaurant (attended mainly by locals and therefore where it's more unlikely to find a menu in English as well) and so on. As to learners at intermediate or advanced level, I could help speed up your progress. Learners with a level of proficiency may enjoy conversation about a range of topics, such as current affairs, culture, history of art, politics.

As an Italian living in America, being able to help people learn my native language makes me really proud. I adopt an interactive way of teaching, using both grammar rules and audio lessons.

Italian is my first language and I love teaching it!I know it might seem a difficult language but we will try to make it easy and to enjoy studying it. I am a journalist and I have been teaching Italian here in Houston since January 2010 in different environment, I really enjoy sharing my language and culture with other people!   

I am a passionate instructor who enjoys both using language as a tool and helping students reach their goals in their respective language of study. I have experience in private tutoring, small group instruction, large group instruction, and all age groups. I am currently a full time teacher with availability after school hours.


Parliamo Italiano! Tuition Fees.

Our Prices.
All prices below are for private Italian tuition and include travel costs and basic materials. Your tutor will be able to recommend a textbook for you to purchase if necessary.

We can cater for larger groups and for any length of lesson so if you need something that you can't see below then please get in touch. 

Italian Language Classes & Italian Conversation Classes - Houston & McAllen.

Italian Lessons at your home, office or teacher home.
Standard Lesson Length: 1.5 hours.

One-to-One Italian Language Classes:

Italian Language Classes are most effective with 1-to-1 tutoring. While it costs twice as much as the small group rate, the speed of learning can be twice as fast. For students who are advancing beyond the basics, this is the best approach. Students have different strengths and areas for improvement, different interests and learning styles. 1-to-1 is the best approach, including a flexible schedule.

LESSONS. One-to-one tuition at your home or office:
USD 22.00 per 1 hour lesson.
USD 26.00 per 1.5 hours lesson.

LESSONS. Two-to-one tuition at your home or office:
USD 27.00 per 1 hour lesson.
USD 31.00 per 1.5 hours lesson.

CONVERSATION. One-to-one tuition at your home or office:
USD 17.00 per 1 hour lesson.
USD 21.00 per 1.5 hours lesson.

CONVERSATION. Two-to-one tuition at your home or office:
USD 22.00 per 1 hour lesson.
USD 26.00 per 1.5 hours lesson.

Small Group Italian Language Classes:Our Small Group language classes are much more effective than larger classes of 10 students or more, common at other Italian Language schools. Great for families or friends who want to study together. If the students create their own group, they can choose study dates/times convenient to them.

LESSONS. Groups for 1 hour at your home or office:
Group of 3: USD 31.00
Group of 4: USD 35.00
Group of 5: USD 38.00
Group of 6: USD 41.00

LESSONS. Groups for 1.5 hours at your home or office:
Group of 3: USD 35.00
Group of 4: USD 39.00
Group of 5: USD 42.00
Group of 6: USD 46.00

CONVERSATION. Groups for 1 hour at your home or office: 
Group of 3: USD 26.00
Group of 4: USD 30.00
Group of 5: USD 33.00
Group of 6: USD 36.00

CONVERSATION. Groups for 1.5 hours at your home or office:
Group of 3: USD 30.00
Group of 4: USD 34.00
Group of 5: USD 37.00
Group of 6: USD 40.00

For our long term courses we have 5% discount available.
Your first assessment class of 30 minutes is FREE.
Classes are paid for in advance, but you can change your hours with your personal teacher to suit your lifestyle.
You will never lose your lesson hours by changing the class day or time, but please tell your teacher in advance.

Payment for classes is in USD Currency.
Payment for classes is made by PayPal, Western Union, Bank Transfer System.
Please, contact our consultants for payment, they will help you to choose the most suitable way of payment.

Online Italian Language Classes & Italian Conversation Classes.

Online Language Courses (Skype).
Standard Lesson Length: 45 minutes.

One-to-One Italian Language Classes:
Italian Language Classes are most effective with 1-to-1 tutoring. While it costs twice as much as the small group rate, the speed of learning can be twice as fast. For students who are advancing beyond the basics, this is the best approach. Students have different strengths and areas for improvement, different interests and learning styles. 1-to-1 is the best approach, including a flexible schedule.

LESSONS. One-to-one tuition online via Skype:
USD 16.00 per 45 minutes lesson.
USD 19.00 per 1 hour lesson.

LESSONS. Two-to-one tuition online via Skype:
USD 21.00 per 45 minutes lesson.
USD 24.00 per 1 hour lesson.

CONVERSATION. One-to-one tuition online via Skype:
USD 12.00 per 45 minutes lesson.
USD 14.00 per 1 hour lesson.

CONVERSATION. Two-to-one tuition online via Skype:
USD 17.00 per 45 minutes lesson.
USD 19.00 per 1 hour lesson.

Small Group Italian Language Classes:Our Small Group language classes are much more effective than larger classes of 10 students or more, common at other Italian Language schools. Great for families or friends who want to study together. If the students create their own group, they can choose study dates/times convenient to them.

LESSONS. Groups for 45 minutes, online via Skype:
Group of 3: USD 25.00
Group of 4: USD 29.00
Group of 5: USD 32.00
Group of 6: USD 35.00

LESSONS. Groups for 1 hour, online via Skype:
Group of 3: USD 29.00
Group of 4: USD 33.00
Group of 5: USD 36.00
Group of 6: USD 39.00

LESSONS. Groups for 1.5 hours, online via Skype:
Group of 3: USD 34.00
Group of 4: USD 38.00
Group of 5: USD 41.00
Group of 6: USD 44.00

CONVERSATION. Groups for 45 minutes, online via Skype:
Group of 3: USD 21.00
Group of 4: USD 25.00
Group of 5: USD 28.00
Group of 6: USD 31.00

CONVERSATION. Groups for 1 hour, online via Skype:
Group of 3: USD 23.00
Group of 4: USD 27.00
Group of 5: USD 30.00
Group of 6: USD 33.00

CONVERSATION. Groups for 1.5 hours, online via Skype:
Group of 3: USD 28.00
Group of 4: USD 32.00
Group of 5: USD 35.00
Group of 6: USD 38.00

For our long term courses we have 5% discount available.
Your first assessment class of 30 minutes is FREE.
Classes are paid for in advance, but you can change your hours with your personal teacher to suit your lifestyle.
You will never lose your online hours by changing the class day or time, but please tell your teacher in advance.

Payment for classes is in USD Currency.
Payment for classes is made by PayPal, Western Union, Bank Transfer System.
Please, contact our consultants for payment, they will help you to choose the most suitable way of payment.

Italian Language Meetup Groups - Houston & McAllen.

Our mission is to promote an appreciation of Italian language and culture through social engagement. We help people with a strong interest in Italy connect with one another, both online and in person.  Membership is FREE and we're open to all levels of Italian language from zero to native fluency.

It doesn't cost any money to be a member! Many of the events cost money (food, drinks, admission, etc.) which is why you can pick and choose which ones you attend. Some of our events are spendy, and some are free! Keep in mind that the organizers do have to pay dues to run this group. If you have a good time and can donate a buck or two, please do. It goes a long way to help cover the costs of running the meetup group.

Meetup Group Rules:
1. Events are only open to registered members who RSVP for that event.
2. Members must be at least 18 years of age for our events, 21+ for bar events.
3. Members are responsible to find and check in with us as soon as they arrive.
4. Members who cannot make it must cancel RSVP 24 hours BEFORE an event, allowing members on WAITING LIST to be added.
5. Members who RSVP but do not show up 3 times will be removed from the group.
6. Members who just show up that are not on RSVP list will be removed from the group, WAITING LIST does not count.
7. No business promoting or dating group behavior will be tolerated.
- We REMOVE members that break our rules, are rude, aggressive or socially inappropriate towards our members. -

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Parliamo Italiano!

Italian Conversation Group - Houston & McAllen.

The Italian Conversation Group - Houston & McAllen

Benvenuti Italian Language Lovers!!!

Benvenuti al gruppo meetup italiano!
Se cercate altri che parlano Italiano, avete interesse nella lingua, cultura e tutto quello che e' inerente all'Italia, non avete piu' bisogno di cercare (altrove) - inscrivetevi al nostro gruppo. Non vediamo l'ora di incontrarvi.

Welcome to the Italian meetup group!
If you are looking for others who speak Italian, interested in the language, culture and all things Italian, you don't need to look any further - join our group. We look forward to meeting you.

Pasemosla bien juntos. Reunirse para disfrutar de una película en el cine, salir a cenar, caminar por la ciudad, correr o hacer un tour por algún barrio. Esa es la propuesta de esta gran comunidad –de la red a la vida real- que reúne personas de todo el mundo con el sencillo objetivo de hacer amigos y compartir un buen rato.

Pensado para trabajadores, empresarios, start-ups, parados, amas de casa, estudiantes y cualquiera que quiera aprender, pasar un rato divertido o incluso establecer nuevos contactos profesionales.

En este grupo organizamos diferentes y variadas Actividades, desde clases e intercambio de idiomas hasta teatro y baile o conferencias y jornadas Networking, con un único OBJETIVO, CREAR UNA COMUNIDAD DONDE COMPARTIR, RELAJARSE Y DIVERTIRSE. Los miembros de este grupo con intereses dispares comparten las mismas actividades con distintas finalidades.

Este grupo es abierto a todo el que quiera asistir, compartir o sugerir meetups; no hacemos preguntas ni pedimos que muestres tu imagen, cada uno es dueño de su imagen y sus datos personales así que si no te quieres mostrar a todo el mundo nosotros no te lo vamos a exigir. Personas y organizaciones o empresas sois bienvenidos.

The Italian Conversation Group organiza sus propios meetups y ejerce de sponsor en colaboración con meetups co-organizados con miembros del grupo.

Nuestro grupo no tiene interés lucrativo, no cobramos nada por organizar o sugerir meetups. Las actividades que incluyan un coste por participación son comercializadas por las personas que dirigen la actividad.

Meetups sugeridos por miembros o invitados a unirse al grupo también son bienvenidos siempre que no sean similares a otros o coincidan en fecha y hora de otros meetups ya publicados.


The Italian Conversation Group

Interested in maintaining your Italian?
Consider: "
The Italian Language Conversation Group".

Our Italian Conversation Group was created for the purpose of maintaining, promoting and increasing the Italian Culture. Our events thrive on the spontaneity, generosity and enthusiasm of our members.

Most group members live Houston, McAllen or bordering towns. Meeting attendees have various levels of proficiency; some are quite fluent, while others mostly listen. However, no English or Spanish is spoken, and no lessons are given. There are no assigned books or topics of conversation.

Nato come estemporaneo gruppo di conversazione italiana, The Italian Conversation Group è divenuto un punto di riferimento sociale e culturale sia per gli italiani residenti nell’area metropolitana di Houston e McAllen che per americani o stranieri che nutrono un serio interesse per la cultura e per la lingua italiana.
Il nostro principale obiettivo è quello di promuovere la cultura e l'uso della lingua italiana, attraverso la conversazione informale, senza quindi l'impegno di abbonamenti, iscrizioni e frequenza di regolari corsi di lingua.
The Italian Conversation Group garantisce un dialogo tra italiani e persone residenti in queste aree geografiche, offrendo un luogo che si presta allo scambio di reciproche esperienze e di preziose informazioni socio-culturali riguardanti sia l'Italia che gli Stati Uniti. Esso è pertanto utilissimo sia ai neo-arrivati, che a coloro i quali intendono mantenere vivo il loro interesse o ottenere informazioni su attualità, attività culturali e viaggi.
I nostri incontri consentono ai nostri membri di conversare in un'atmosfera tranquilla, rilassata e familiare. Le nostre non sono feste, ma festive riunioni. Alle riunioni si incontra nuova gente, si chiacchiera del più e del meno o, se lo si desidera, di cose serie; si prendono contatti, si fanno nuove amicizie, ci si informa su novità, leggi, servizi, percorsi turistici alternativi, ricette, pubblicazioni, mostre d’arte e attività culturali sia italiane che locali, il tutto assaggiando prodotti e vini italiani e verificando le ottime abilità culinarie di alcuni dei nostri partecipanti.
L’atmosfera è rilassata e conviviale. Il nostro gruppo e' frequentato in egual misura da italiani, americani e stranieri provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Il livello di conversazione non è prestabilito e dipende interamente dall'abilità e dall'esperienza dei partecipanti. Ai nostri incontri la conversazione italiana è d'obbligo. Registratevi al nostro sito. L'operazione é gratuita, e i vostri dati personali non saranno mai resi accessibili ad alcuna entità privata, commerciale o pubblica.
Grazie per esservi uniti a noi in questa eccitante avventura.
Speriamo d'incontrarvi alla prossima riunione!

The Italian Conversation Group began when several friends got together to practice speaking Italian. The group remained fairly small for about a year – in fact, one time only a single person showed up. The gatherings took place in restaurants but when the group grew, it became impossible to manage the meetings and keep our 'ragione d'essere'– converse in Italian – alive. After trying a few more cafés and restaurants, it was decided to attempt a more cordial atmosphere by meeting in private homes.
Accessibility to our meetings is defined by one simple rule: as long as the participant makes a sincere effort to speak Italian, s/he is always welcome to join in. In fact, at the meetings we do not speak English, Spanish or other languages. Thus, while we remain open to new members, it is in our sole interest that The Italian Conversation Group does not slip into the format of a generic party. We therefore discourage our members from inviting friends who do not speak Italian.
The only reason we feel compelled to formulate these thoughts in English or Spanish is to include in this discourse those individuals whose language skills have not achieved full proficiency. It would be unfair, assuming that everyone approaching our group is capable to discern advanced Italian.
We nevertheless hold true our rule: at the meetings, Italian is required and expected.
At the meetings, 'italiano' is spoken at all levels. You will fit right in, whether you are capable to set off on a philosophical dissertation, or you need to learn how to order at the restaurant.
Members' skills vary from beginners to native speakers.
Accompanied by the fine food and wines our members bring, our meetings are the perfect environments for a non-Italian member who is interested in our culture and language to hear the native tongue here, at home.
Our members can meet a variety of people who have already developed an interest in our secular traditions and language, and expand their network and acquaintances.
Our meetings have become the checkpoint of all the Italians who arrive in Houston or McAllen and the polar information center of anyone who is planning for a trip to Italy. Europeans have fed their nostalgia of the old continent and retrieved those colorful habits and warm hospitality, which are the distinguished marks of the Italian culture.

So, next time you plan to make it to an event, pick-up some bread, grab some Italian cheese, or get some tiramisù, sherbet, Nutella or biscotti.
Wine consumption has never been a concern as it is done very moderately, convivial style.
If you have time, make something you like to cook.
Our events thrive on the spontaneity, generosity and enthusiasm of our members.
The Italian Conversation Group grows and prospers out of the continuing enthusiasm of our members and the generosity of those who host its meetings.

Our mission is to promote an appreciation of Italian language and culture through Italian language lessons, cooking lessons, film, art, music, literature, wine tastings, sports, travel and social engagement. We help people with a strong interest in Italy connect with one another, both online and in person.
We're the original Italian language meetup group in our area. Tutti possono aderire al nostro gruppo. Se ci aiuti a crescere... cresceremo insieme!
Want to find out more? Check our calendar to see the exact time and location of events and come join us. Read more about our activities.
* Quattro chiacchiere tra amici: These bi-weekly events offer the opportunity to practice your Italian with other very friendly and enthusiastic Italian language speakers in a highly informal and comfortable setting. Our group is at all levels of Italian proficiency from beginning to advanced and we all help each other. Parleremo di tutto e di niente, l'importante è stare in compagnia e farsi anche qualche risata.
* Cineforum italiano: Italian films are a wonderful way to share an Italian cultural experience.
* Let's Travel to Italy: Come experience Italy with our group and create memories that last a lifetime! Our group trips are limited to small groups of travelers.
* Tutti a tavola: We offer Italian cooking lessons where you can learn the art and traditions of Italian cooking while speaking Italian.
* L'aperitivo italiano: We enjoy Happy Hour events in Italian style. We often celebrate with our friends in the group. Cin-Cin!
* Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to some of the common questions about our Italian group.

And it doesn't stop there.
We're always looking for new opportunities to socialize while enjoying Italian language and culture.
We participate in guided museum tours, lectures, exhibits, street festivals, concerts, sporting events and cultural events at the Italian embassy and other locations. All the events are selected with the Italian and italophile in mind.
You'll see the exact time and location for events once you join our group.

If you are interested to join this group, please contact: Parliamo Italiano for further information. 

Our Events.

The Italian Language Conversation Group consists of a diverse and friendly group of people who come together to converse in the Italian language.
Speaking entirely in Italian is very much encouraged. Most of the people speak at an intermediate or an advanced level. However, there are some native speakers as well as a few beginner.

The format for the meetings is open, which means you are free to roam around and speak to whomever you wish about any topic you wish. The more members that you interact with the more you will get to practice speaking in Italian. Some members are more comfortable listening to conversations, while others are more interested in actively participating in a conversation. Please do what makes you feel comfortable.

........ only members can see upcoming event times and locations.

Siete Tutti Invitati!

Lets Speak Italian! Parliamo Italiano! 
Meet Italian language and culture lovers in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
Come make new "amici", learn and practice the language, be exposed to a different culture, tradition, and cuisine. We look forward to building a solid group that will lead us to nice friendships, theme parties, local outings, cultural trips and most of all lots of listen and talk Italian. All ages and levels welcome! If you are a beginner remember you learn a lot just by listening!

Benvenuti! Qui potrete incontrare amanti della cultura e della lingua Italiana in una atmosfera divertente e rilassante. Unitevi a noi per fare nuovi amici, imparare, o far pratica della lingua Italiana rendendovi così disponibili ad una cultura, a tradizioni ed anche perchè no, ad una cucina diversa! Siamo interessati a creare un gruppo che promuova nuove amicizie, feste a tema, gite, e viaggi culturali, ma più che altro ad imparare, ascoltare e parlare Italiano. Il Meetup Italiano non ha restrizioni di età, e tutti i livelli di comprensione sono benvenuti. Se siete principianti, all'inizio potete imparare moltissimo anche solo ascoltando.

Be a Host
If you're interested in hosting your own event, feel free to contact me or post a suggestion in the group. I'd love to have new event organizers. Please keep in mind that suggested events must be somewhat Italian related, and I reserve the right to remove events that are not.