The Italian Conversation Group
Houston & McAllen (Texas)
Benvenuti Italian Language Lovers!!!
Benvenuti al gruppo meetup italiano!
Se cercate altri che parlano Italiano, avete interesse nella lingua, cultura e tutto quello che e' inerente all'Italia, non avete piu' bisogno di cercare (altrove) - inscrivetevi al nostro gruppo. Non vediamo l'ora di incontrarvi.
Welcome to the Italian meetup group!
If you are looking for others who speak Italian, interested in the language, culture and all things Italian, you don't need to look any further - join our group. We look forward to meeting you.
"Parliamo Italiano!" The Italian Conversation Group.
Interested in maintaining your Italian?
Consider: "The Italian Language Conversation Group".Our Italian Conversation Group was created for the purpose of maintaining, promoting and increasing the Italian Culture. Our events thrive on the spontaneity, generosity and enthusiasm of our members.
Most group members live Houston, McAllen or bordering towns. Meeting attendees have various levels of proficiency; some are quite fluent, while others mostly listen. However, no English or Spanish is spoken, and no lessons are given. There are no assigned books or topics of conversation.
Nato come estemporaneo gruppo di conversazione italiana, The Italian Conversation Group è divenuto un punto di riferimento sociale e culturale sia per gli italiani residenti nell’area metropolitana di Houston e McAllen che per americani o stranieri che nutrono un serio interesse per la cultura e per la lingua italiana.
Il nostro principale obiettivo è quello di promuovere la cultura e l'uso della lingua italiana, attraverso la conversazione informale, senza quindi l'impegno di abbonamenti, iscrizioni e frequenza di regolari corsi di lingua.
The Italian Conversation Group garantisce un dialogo tra italiani e persone residenti in queste aree geografiche, offrendo un luogo che si presta allo scambio di reciproche esperienze e di preziose informazioni socio-culturali riguardanti sia l'Italia che gli Stati Uniti. Esso è pertanto utilissimo sia ai neo-arrivati, che a coloro i quali intendono mantenere vivo il loro interesse o ottenere informazioni su attualità, attività culturali e viaggi.
I nostri incontri consentono ai nostri membri di conversare in un'atmosfera tranquilla, rilassata e familiare. Le nostre non sono feste, ma festive riunioni. Alle riunioni si incontra nuova gente, si chiacchiera del più e del meno o, se lo si desidera, di cose serie; si prendono contatti, si fanno nuove amicizie, ci si informa su novità, leggi, servizi, percorsi turistici alternativi, ricette, pubblicazioni, mostre d’arte e attività culturali sia italiane che locali, il tutto assaggiando prodotti e vini italiani e verificando le ottime abilità culinarie di alcuni dei nostri partecipanti.
L’atmosfera è rilassata e conviviale. Il nostro gruppo e' frequentato in egual misura da italiani, americani e stranieri provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Il livello di conversazione non è prestabilito e dipende interamente dall'abilità e dall'esperienza dei partecipanti. Ai nostri incontri la conversazione italiana è d'obbligo. Registratevi al nostro sito. L'operazione é gratuita, e i vostri dati personali non saranno mai resi accessibili ad alcuna entità privata, commerciale o pubblica.
Grazie per esservi uniti a noi in questa eccitante avventura.
Speriamo d'incontrarvi alla prossima riunione!
The Italian Conversation Group began when several friends got together to practice speaking Italian. The group remained fairly small for about a year – in fact, one time only a single person showed up. The gatherings took place in restaurants but when the group grew, it became impossible to manage the meetings and keep our 'ragione d'essere'– converse in Italian – alive. After trying a few more cafés and restaurants, it was decided to attempt a more cordial atmosphere by meeting in private homes.
Accessibility to our meetings is defined by one simple rule: as long as the participant makes a sincere effort to speak Italian, s/he is always welcome to join in. In fact, at the meetings we do not speak English, Spanish or other languages. Thus, while we remain open to new members, it is in our sole interest that The Italian Conversation Group does not slip into the format of a generic party. We therefore discourage our members from inviting friends who do not speak Italian.
The only reason we feel compelled to formulate these thoughts in English or Spanish is to include in this discourse those individuals whose language skills have not achieved full proficiency. It would be unfair, assuming that everyone approaching our group is capable to discern advanced Italian.
We nevertheless hold true our rule: at the meetings, Italian is required and expected.
At the meetings, 'italiano' is spoken at all levels. You will fit right in, whether you are capable to set off on a philosophical dissertation, or you need to learn how to order at the restaurant.
Members' skills vary from beginners to native speakers.
Accompanied by the fine food and wines our members bring, our meetings are the perfect environments for a non-Italian member who is interested in our culture and language to hear the native tongue here, at home.
Our members can meet a variety of people who have already developed an interest in our secular traditions and language, and expand their network and acquaintances.
Our meetings have become the checkpoint of all the Italians who arrive in Houston or McAllen and the polar information center of anyone who is planning for a trip to Italy. Europeans have fed their nostalgia of the old continent and retrieved those colorful habits and warm hospitality, which are the distinguished marks of the Italian culture.
So, next time you plan to make it to an event, pick-up some bread, grab some Italian cheese, or get some tiramisù, sherbet, Nutella or biscotti.
Wine consumption has never been a concern as it is done very moderately, convivial style.
If you have time, make something you like to cook.
Our events thrive on the spontaneity, generosity and enthusiasm of our members.
The Italian Conversation Group grows and prospers out of the continuing enthusiasm of our members and the generosity of those who host its meetings.
Our mission is to promote an appreciation of Italian language and culture through Italian language lessons, cooking lessons, film, art, music, literature, wine tastings, sports, travel and social engagement. We help people with a strong interest in Italy connect with one another, both online and in person.
We're the original Italian language meetup group in
our area. Tutti possono aderire al nostro gruppo. Se ci aiuti a crescere... cresceremo insieme!Want to find out more? Check our calendar to see the exact time and location of events and come join us. Read more about our activities.* Quattro chiacchiere tra amici: These bi-weekly events offer the opportunity to practice your Italian with other very friendly and enthusiastic Italian language speakers in a highly informal and comfortable setting. Our group is at all levels of Italian proficiency from beginning to advanced and we all help each other. Parleremo di tutto e di niente, l'importante è stare in compagnia e farsi anche qualche risata.
* Cineforum italiano: Italian films are a wonderful way to share an Italian cultural experience.
* Let's Travel to Italy: Come experience Italy with our group and create memories that last a lifetime! Our group trips are limited to small groups of travelers.
* Tutti a tavola: We offer Italian cooking lessons where you can learn the art and traditions of Italian cooking while speaking Italian.
* L'aperitivo italiano: We enjoy Happy Hour events in Italian style. We often celebrate with our friends in the group. Cin-Cin!
And it doesn't stop there.
We're always looking for new opportunities to socialize while enjoying Italian language and culture.
We participate in guided museum tours, lectures, exhibits, street festivals, concerts, sporting events and cultural events at the Italian embassy and other locations. All the events are selected with the Italian and italophile in mind.
You'll see the exact time and location for events once you join our group.
If you are interested to join this group, please contact: Parliamo Italiano! for further information.
Our Events.
The Italian Language Conversation Group consists of a diverse and friendly group of people who come together to converse in the Italian language.
Speaking entirely in Italian is very much encouraged. Most of the people speak at an intermediate or an advanced level. However, there are some native speakers as well as a few beginner.
The format for the meetings is open, which means you are free to roam around and speak to whomever you wish about any topic you wish. The more members that you interact with the more you will get to practice speaking in Italian. Some members are more comfortable listening to conversations, while others are more interested in actively participating in a conversation. Please do what makes you feel comfortable.
Siete Tutti Invitati!
Lets Speak Italian! Parliamo Italiano!
Meet Italian language and culture lovers in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
Come make new "amici", learn and practice the language, be exposed to a different culture, tradition, and cuisine. We look forward to building a solid group that will lead us to nice friendships, theme parties, local outings, cultural trips and most of all lots of listen and talk Italian. All ages and levels welcome! If you are a beginner remember you learn a lot just by listening!
Benvenuti! Qui potrete incontrare amanti della cultura e della lingua Italiana in una atmosfera divertente e rilassante. Unitevi a noi per fare nuovi amici, imparare, o far pratica della lingua Italiana rendendovi così disponibili ad una cultura, a tradizioni ed anche perchè no, ad una cucina diversa! Siamo interessati a creare un gruppo che promuova nuove amicizie, feste a tema, gite, e viaggi culturali, ma più che altro ad imparare, ascoltare e parlare Italiano. Il Meetup Italiano non ha restrizioni di età, e tutti i livelli di comprensione sono benvenuti. Se siete principianti, all'inizio potete imparare moltissimo anche solo ascoltando.
Be a Host
If you're interested in hosting your own event, feel free to contact me or post a suggestion in the group. I'd love to have new event organizers. Please keep in mind that suggested events must be somewhat Italian related, and I reserve the right to remove events that are not.