Estamos formando un grupo para todos los que quieran aprender o seguir aprendiendo italiano a través de conversaciones.
Misión del grupo es promover la apreciación de la lengua y cultura italiana a través de conversación en lengua italiana, clases de cocina, el cine, el arte, la música, la literatura, degustación de vinos, los deportes, los viajes y el compromiso social. Voy a ayudar a la gente con un fuerte interés en Italia se conectan entre sí, tanto en línea como en persona.
Sólo hay un secreto para aprender a hablar con fluidez otro idioma: practicarlo todas las veces que puedas, lo más que puedas y con quien puedas! Un intercambio de idiomas es mucho más eficaz que una clase de lengua tradicional, ya que se trata de una reunión informal, donde puedes conversar libremente sin estrés por una evaluación formal. Por esta razón aprovecha la oportunidad de practicar en un entorno relajado y agradable! No es necesario tener un alto nivel, sólo hace falta tener ganas de lanzarse y no tardarás en ver los resultados. Tendrás la posibilidad de hablar con nativos y bilingüe, aprendiendo expresiones formales, como informales, además de hacer nuevos amigos y al mismo tiempo aprender sobre diferentes culturas. Te esperamos. ¡Hasta pronto!
Organizamos actividades tanto en Monterrey, N.L. como en Houston, TX.
Este es tambien un grupo para todos los amantes de la cocina, a los que disfrutan comiendo bien o quieren aprender a cocinar, para cualquier nivel. Divertirse creando platos diferentes, sanos y deliciosos o con una buena comida casera. Estoy seguro que será agradable y divertido. Además, ¿quieres conocer nuevas personas y hacer amigos con tus mismas aficiones?. Esta es una buena oportunidad para ti. Cocinar es una de las grandes pasiones en la vida. En este meetup podrás descubrirlo.
This meetup group is for anyone who likes Italy and the Italian culture - and who doesn't? Italy is so easy to love!
Although it's called the Italian Language group, a lot of our members don't speak Italian - they just celebrate Italian culture. That means that non-Italian speakers are welcome to join us at events! If you want to practice your Italian, you're encouraged to, but it's not necessary. (The only events where it is necessary are the "Cena in Italiano" dinners and "Parliamo Italiano!" events, where we get together and practice the language.)
This group offers both social events (house parties, dinners, cooking workshops, meal sharing and wine tasting) and Italian conversation. You'll meet people who are interested in language, travel, cooking, and good food & wine; it's an interesting and fun group of people who are very welcoming. Newcomers will feel welcome, so please join us!
This group is open to anyone who wants to make connections with others who share your same interests ....Language, Cooking, Travel, Social, Culture. If you don't live nearby, you are still welcome to join to chat with others by Skype, email, Google groups or other means...and we will help you make those connections.
"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him...the people who give you their food give you their heart." - Cesar Chavez.
The objective of the group is gathering and meeting new people through the organization of homemade food events (dinner, brunch, BBQ).
Our events will feature homemade food sampling prepared by the members of our group (or friends of friends) and will based at members' place or common spaces (i.e. function rooms in residential buildings).
The group is open to foodies and amateurs cooks with the goal of finding a good balance for each event, try amazing food, share stories of life, travel and have fun together: this will make everyone happy!
The group believes that experiencing different cultures and traditions, meeting new friends, when sitting at the same table, sampling traditional, or ethnic home prepared food from another region, country, state, or local, it is an intimate and rich experience.
Cooking together is a great way to learn and share knowledge and to enjoy food and good company.
The basic idea is that we cook together, learn together and share great meals with the new friends we have made while toiling over the pots and pans. Even if you can barely boil water, you are welcome at any of the events! Since this is not a class and the host is not an expert, the fees are low, basically covering the cost of ingredients.
If you do have skills or knowledge, please pitch in to help your fellow cooks succeed! That's what it's all about. I'm hoping to learn from you, too.
Despite these caveats, the food always turns out delicious and the company is great!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
And if you are interested to improve your Italian language skills, I'll be happy to help you. Get a head start by visiting our conversation group on Skype: rgvlanguages
A presto!
Import-export, trade, fashion, design, architecture, art, education, food, tourism.
Parliamo Italiano!

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Idiomas + Cocina.
La receta para un aprendizaje lingüístico eficaz: combinar la práctica y el placer de los sentidos.
Nuestros programas de Idiomas + Cocina son únicos en su especie. A través de una introducción a las cocinas del mundo, talleres culinarios prácticos y sabrosas degustaciones de productos locales, podrás desarrollar tus habilidades lingüísticas al tiempo que perfeccionas tus talentos culinarios.
Si eres amante de la buena comida y te gusta participar en su preparación, te encantará este concepto inédito. Combinadas con cursos de idiomas dinámicos e interactivos, las sesiones culinarias se centran en la diversión y en compartir momentos inolvidables con otros apasionados de la buena mesa ¡procedentes de todos los rincones del mundo! La ocasión perfecta para descubrir la jerga de los "chefs" en el idioma que aprendes, y asentar tus conocimientos lingüísticos de forma duradera.
La cocina es también el reflejo de una cultura, un estilo de vida. Al aprender a armonizar los sabores y aromas de la tierra, ahondarás en las tradiciones de tu país de destino. Y como la cocina es un arte que trasciende fronteras, cada participante podrá añadir su toque personal en la preparación, según su origen y gustos ¡Aprovecha la oportunidad de intercambiar tus recetas y consejos culinarios!
Cocinar y socializar
Cuando de reunirse con amigos se trata, todo gira en torno a una mesa, una mesa en la que se comparten bebidas, postres, almuerzos o cenas, una excusa para pasar buenos momentos en agradable compañía. Pero esto no solo se limita al conversar en un local de comida o en un restaurante, la preparación de deliciosas recetas también es una excelente manera de crear afinidad con amigos y familiares.
Esa placentera sensación de compartir una comida con amigos o compañeros va mucho más allá de solo sentarse alrededor de una mesa a echar cuentos, la preparación de los alimentos y platillos especiales también forman parte de los eventos de integración social.
Lavar, picar, rebanar, remover…, maneras en la que relaciones sociales pueden impulsarse y fortalecerse, contar vivencias o secretos mientras se comparte el seguimiento de una receta además de ser una diversión para todos los participantes de la actividad, crea una afinidad mayor, ya que la cocina se considera un área importante y principal de los hogares, motivo por lo cual se estrechan lazos de intimidad en el ambiente familiar, esto cuando se desea pasar buenos momentos en compañía de amigos cercanos.
Las parrilladas en cambio, son una manera más informal de convivencia, incluso, pueden servir para conocer nuevas personas, integrar a todos los amigos a un mismo grupo social y disfrutar de un espacio más animado y abierto, acompañado de buena música y bebidas.
Actualmente, muchos son los espacios en el hogar en que el comedor y la cocina conforman un mismo espacio, en ocasiones hasta la sala se integra a él, donde el televisor pasa a formar parte de ese ameno y cercano ambiente social, consecuencias de la necesidad de reunir espacios contiguos y abiertos que demanden soluciones armónicas y coordinadas.
Los muebles y detalles que formen parte de estos ambientes juegan un papel fundamental en estas actividades de tipo social, ya que servirán como razones para iniciar una conversación, o traerán a ella comentarios de interés.
Así que, cocinar para un grupo ya no se ve tan mal, ¿verdad? Buscar el día perfecto en el que todos los amigos estén disponibles, ofrecer un menú especial y deliciosas bebidas son los ingredientes perfectos para reunirse y pasar un momento divertido y agradable.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Italian Language & Cooking Group
Estamos formando un grupo para todos los que quieran aprender o seguir aprendiendo italiano a través de conversaciones.
Misión del grupo es promover la apreciación de la lengua y cultura italiana a través de conversación en lengua italiana, clases de cocina, el cine, el arte, la música, la literatura, degustación de vinos, los deportes, los viajes y el compromiso social. Voy a ayudar a la gente con un fuerte interés en Italia se conectan entre sí, tanto en línea como en persona.
Sólo hay un secreto para aprender a hablar con fluidez otro idioma: practicarlo todas las veces que puedas, lo más que puedas y con quien puedas! Un intercambio de idiomas es mucho más eficaz que una clase de lengua tradicional, ya que se trata de una reunión informal, donde puedes conversar libremente sin estrés por una evaluación formal. Por esta razón aprovecha la oportunidad de practicar en un entorno relajado y agradable! No es necesario tener un alto nivel, sólo hace falta tener ganas de lanzarse y no tardarás en ver los resultados. Tendrás la posibilidad de hablar con nativos y bilingüe, aprendiendo expresiones formales, como informales, además de hacer nuevos amigos y al mismo tiempo aprender sobre diferentes culturas. Te esperamos. ¡Hasta pronto! Organizamos actividades tanto en Monterrey, N.L. como en Houston, TX.
Este es tambien un grupo para todos los amantes de la cocina, a los que disfrutan comiendo bien o quieren aprender a cocinar, para cualquier nivel. Divertirse creando platos diferentes, sanos y deliciosos o con una buena comida casera. Estoy seguro que será agradable y divertido. Además, ¿quieres conocer nuevas personas y hacer amigos con tus mismas aficiones?. Esta es una buena oportunidad para ti. Cocinar es una de las grandes pasiones en la vida. En este meetup podrás descubrirlo.
This meetup group is for anyone who likes Italy and the Italian culture - and who doesn't? Italy is so easy to love!
Although it's called the Italian Language group, a lot of our members don't speak Italian - they just celebrate Italian culture. That means that non-Italian speakers are welcome to join us at events! If you want to practice your Italian, you're encouraged to, but it's not necessary. (The only events where it is necessary are the "Cena in Italiano" dinners and "Parliamo Italiano!" events, where we get together and practice the language.)
This group offers both social events (house parties, dinners, cooking workshops, meal sharing and wine tasting) and Italian conversation. You'll meet people who are interested in language, travel, cooking, and good food & wine; it's an interesting and fun group of people who are very welcoming. Newcomers will feel welcome, so please join us!
This group is open to anyone who wants to make connections with others who share your same interests ....Language, Cooking, Travel, Social, Culture. If you don't live nearby, you are still welcome to join to chat with others by Skype, email, Google groups or other means...and we will help you make those connections.
"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him...the people who give you their food give you their heart." - Cesar Chavez
The objective of the group is gathering and meeting new people through the organization of homemade food events (dinner, brunch, BBQ).
Our events will feature homemade food sampling prepared by the members of our group (or friends of friends) and will based at members' place or common spaces (i.e. function rooms in residential buildings).
The group is open to foodies and amateurs cooks with the goal of finding a good balance for each event, try amazing food, share stories of life, travel and have fun together: this will make everyone happy!
The group believes that experiencing different cultures and traditions, meeting new friends, when sitting at the same table, sampling traditional, or ethnic home prepared food from another region, country, state, or local, it is an intimate and rich experience.
Cooking together is a great way to learn and share knowledge and to enjoy food and good company.
The basic idea is that we cook together, learn together and share great meals with the new friends we have made while toiling over the pots and pans. Even if you can barely boil water, you are welcome at any of the events! Since this is not a class and the host is not an expert, the fees are low, basically covering the cost of ingredients.
If you do have skills or knowledge, please pitch in to help your fellow cooks succeed! That's what it's all about. I'm hoping to learn from you, too.
Despite these caveats, the food always turns out delicious and the company is great!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
And if you are interested to improve your Italian language skills, I'll be happy to help you. Get a head start by visiting our conversation group on Skype: rgvlanguages
A presto!
Monday, January 4, 2016
Italian Language & Cooking Group
Ciao a tutti!
This meetup group is for anyone who likes Italy and the Italian culture - and who doesn't? Italy is so easy to love!
Although it's called the Italian Language group, a lot of our members don't speak Italian - they just celebrate Italian culture. That means that non-Italian speakers are welcome to join us at events! If you want to practice your Italian, you're encouraged to, but it's not necessary. (The only events where it is necessary are the "Cena in Italiano" dinners and "Parliamo Italiano!" events, where we get together and practice the language.)
This group offers both social events (house parties, dinners, cooking workshops, meal sharing and wine tasting) and Italian conversation. You'll meet people who are interested in language, travel, cooking, and good food & wine; it's an interesting and fun group of people who are very welcoming. Newcomers will feel welcome, so please join us!
This group is open to anyone who wants to make connections with others who share your same interests ....Language, Cooking, Travel, Social, Culture. If you don't live nearby, you are still welcome to join to chat with others by Skype, email, Google groups or other means...and we will help you make those connections.
"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him...the people who give you their food give you their heart." - Cesar Chavez
The objective of the group is gathering and meeting new people through the organization of homemade food events (dinner, brunch, BBQ).
Our events will feature homemade food sampling prepared by the members of our group (or friends of friends) and will based at members' place or common spaces (i.e. function rooms in residential buildings).
The group is open to foodies and amateurs cooks with the goal of finding a good balance for each event, try amazing food, share stories of life, travel and have fun together: this will make everyone happy!
The group believes that experiencing different cultures and traditions, meeting new friends, when sitting at the same table, sampling traditional, or ethnic home prepared food from another region, country, state, or local, it is an intimate and rich experience.
Cooking together is a great way to learn and share knowledge and to enjoy food and good company.
The basic idea is that we cook together, learn together and share great meals with the new friends we have made while toiling over the pots and pans. Even if you can barely boil water, you are welcome at any of the events! Since this is not a class and the host is not an expert, the fees are low, basically covering the cost of ingredients.
If you do have skills or knowledge, please pitch in to help your fellow cooks succeed! That's what it's all about. I'm hoping to learn from you, too.
Despite these caveats, the food always turns out delicious and the company is great!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
And if you are interested to improve your Italian language skills, I'll be happy to help you. Get a head start by visiting our conversation group on Skype: rgvlanguages
A presto!
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