Parliamo Italiano!

Parliamo Italiano!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Italian Ragu Sauces


Italian Ragu Sauces.

A ragu recipe can take anywhere from two to six hours, depending on how deeply flavored you want your meat sauce -- and how traditional the recipe is. We understand that not everyone is ready to spend six hours making a pasta sauce, so we're providing you with multiple ragu sauce recipes, all with different cook times. Depending on how much time you have to devote to cooking, there's a recipe for you.
But first, we'll let you in on a little secret when it comes to ragu. Most of the work is done within the first hour or two of cooking, and the rest of the time is spent simply allowing the ragu to slowly simmer and deepen its flavors (with the occasional glance from you to make sure everything is going okay, and a quick stir here and there). So if you're going to be home for an afternoon anyway, we highly recommend opting for the sauce that cooks the longest.

Ragu perfectly demonstrates the benefits of slowing down. Not only will you feel less stressed, but you will have made a meal so good you would have traveled to Italy for it. Can you think of a better way to spend your time? We didn't think so. Give ragu a try with one of the recipes below:

Sughi e Salse.
Per insaporire una Pasta o accompagnare una Pietanza... Sughi, Salse e Condimenti per tutti I gusti, Facili da preparare, a caldo o a freddo. Ricette si Sughi e Salse per ogni occasione in Tavola.
Salse classiche. Besciamella, anche nella sua variante light o senza glutine. Mayonese, mayonese e mostarda.
Salse di verdure. Guacamole, raita, salsa verde calda e mostarda di riso.
Salse di pesce. Salse piccanti o meno, salsa tonnata, salsa verde e altre preparazioni.
Sughi di carne. Dal classico ragù, all'amatriciana fino alla carbonara. Sughi classici per la pasta
Sughi di verdure. Non solo pesto ma anche pizzaiola, diavola e sugo di carote.